Thursday, March 6, 2025

Congratulations, South High Class of 2024!

237 graduates, commencement at Cool Arena

South Glens Falls expects 237 students to graduate in commencement exercises, Thursday, June 27, at 7 p.m. at the Cool Insuring Arena in Glens Falls. Tickets are not required.

The School District selected two students to speak.

• Elena Kennedy, child of Karen and Edward Kennedy, is President of the Class of 2024. Elena will attend Grove City College for mechanical engineering.

• Raven Zimmerman, child of Ronald Zimmerman and Rachel Kusnierz Zimmerman, is this year’s student poet. Raven will read an original piece entitled “Together” that will be posted later on the district website. Raven will attend the University of Rhode Island to study neuroscience and pharmacology.

The keynote address will be by a special guest speaker. Other speakers are interim principal Richard Murphy, and superintendent Kristine Orr.

South High switched last year from recognizing “Top Ten” graduates to conferring Latin Honors. It does not designate a Valedictorian or Salutatorian.

This year, 32 students are graduating Summa Cum Laude, 28 are graduating Magna Cum Laude, and 42 are graduating Cum Laude.

South Glens Falls Class of 2024!

This list is as accurate as possible at press time.
Summa Cum Laude: HHH
Magna Cum Laude: HH
Cum Laude: H
Amelia B Adams HH
Katherine Aday H
Oliver Alden
Emalee Amell
Cameron Arehart
Meagan Aubrey HHH
Kaylee M Augusta
Joel E Aviles
Brennan L Baker
Cameron A Baker
Parker A Baker H
James M Bakken H
Charles BammertHHH
Alannah M Barody
Analucia Barrera HH
Connor Basile HHH
Jessica Beames HHH
Olivia Belden HH
Sophia Belden HHH
Mia Benincasa H
Cali Blackmer
Taven S Blair
Jacob R Blaise
Christopher Boggie
Nathan Bonanno
Marcus C Bovair
Juliana L Bramer H
Adam Brennan HH
Cooper Brennan
Emma Bruce
Anja-Marie G Brueder HH
Jaydon Brunelle
Trevor Burch
Madeline L Burleigh HHH
Nathan J Burrell HHH
Megyn P Buser
Brian Bushey
Lauren Butler
Richard G Caldera H
Caden J Cameron
Bronsyn Chadwick
Trent J Chesney
Riley Clark
Benjamin A Cohen H
William J Cole
Jonathan Z Colello HH
Aidan S Collins
Justice Columbus
Bryce Comstock H
Breanna Converse
Daniel Cormie HHH
Haley Corso HH
Charles Cota HH
Kamryn F Couture
Malia Dake HHH
Dominick J Daly
Marissa Daly
Nicholas M Dardanelli
Brody Dashnaw
Joshua DeLancy HHH
Anaiyah R Deloatch
Xavier DeRush
Quinn Devine
Ava Dickinson H
Jaiden E Dickinson H
Sienna Donato HHH
Natalie Duffy HH
Lauren Durfey HH
Samuel A Eggleston H
Sebastian Z Ellsworth
Easton Engelhard H
Alexis T Estabrook
Quyntin Fallen
Kayla Fialkovich
Leahann Fish
Brodie J Forando
Benjamin Fordyce H
Elizabeth ≠≠≠French H
Jacob Fuller
Kari Gage H
Grace E Gagne
Rene’ Gavin
Brielle Gibilaro H
Ciara Gonzalez
Anthony Goodsell
Nina M Gordon
Zayne Hanlon
Katelyn Harrington HHH
Megan Harrington HH
Zachary Harrington H
Briana Healy HHH
Kevin P Healy
Noah C Hilleboe H
Abigail Hoffman HH
Alexis J Howard
Ashton Humphries H
Victor T Hyland
Aiman Irfan HHH
Diondre’ D Irish
Ian Jackson H
Seth A Jameson H
Xavier Johnson H
Brooke M Johnston H
Rachel Jorgensen HHH
Emily Kamber HH
Kelan Kearney H
Hunter Keefe
Konnor J Keith
Elena G Kennedy HHH
Isabelle L Kerr H
Tone’ K Kerwin H
Jack Killeen H
Joseph Killian
Matthew C Kirk
Sydney Kurtz
Ryan LaMarche HH
Alexander W LaPointe
Nathan J LaPointe H
Justin Lary HHH
Colin LeClair H
Kyle LeClair HHH
Tyler Leininger
Dylon Lepine
Natalie E Leveille
Ashley Li HHH
Dominic Lombardi HH
Connyr T Lorey
Forrest R Lottie III
Cora M Lynch
Sarah Mack HH
Logan T Mahoney
Jade M Maille H
Natalie Mallette
Aedan Mallory H
Caleb T Manning
Nicholas P Manning
Abigail Matteson HH
Amanda Mattrazzo HHH
Veronica Maynard HHH
Shane P McCanney-Fiumara
Lily C McNulty HHH
Lanie Miller H
Maya Minnolera HH
Allison J Mooney H
Kenneth T Morrissey
Emily Murray
Jillian Nichols HHH
Rori Novack HHH
Dominic P Osakowicz HH
Kristopher Osakowicz
Kirsten Owens
Haley M Pagan HHH
Logan A Palmer
Kamryn A Paradis
Klifton K Paradis H
Hope Parker
Carter J Parsons
Clayten W Pauldine
Matthew Perrotte H
Aiden Pierre H
Olivia G Portillo
Liam Powers
Alexander Powhida H
Kayleigh Pratt
Shawn K Presher HH
Anthony Ragnacci
Bryan O Ramos H
Antoine E Ramsey Jr.
Zoe Rapp
Eva K Reece
Claira Repsis HHH
Hannah G Revell HH
Ava E Reynolds HH
Aiden Rooney H
Christopher R Roselle
Jacob D Russell H
Ella Russom
Rosalyn Sanabria HHH
Nathaniel Sanders H
Damon B Saunders HH
Heleine E Schulz
Troy M Schusteritsch
Vanessa Sechler
Isabella R Sefcik HHH
Camilla Short HHH
Seth J Shortte
Kiera Simmons H
Kierra A Skaarup HH
Joseph V Smaldone
Kaylee M Soules
Carson Starr
Elizabeth Stephenson HH
Caden Strayer
Oskar E Sumner
Asya M Tatsey
Kyle Therrien
James Thompson H
Cody Touse HHH
Michaela Tracy HH
Arabella Tracy-Bonner H
Nora Trimarchi HHH
Natalee J Tucker HH
Sierra F VanDerwarker HH
Nathaniel L VanTassell HHH
Ethan Vasak HH
Xavier Velez
Boston E White
Scott D Whitford
Nicholas Wright H
Lynn Yang HHH
Wyatt L Younger HH
Raven Zimmerman HHH

Students who earned a General Equivalency Degree and will walk at graduation:
Keegan Eddy
Kendrick Charles Kamburelis
Camden Jeffrey Raimo
Aiden Stevenson
Chesney Tucker
Leif Erik Vance
Joshua Wood

32 Summa Cum Laude South Glens Falls Grads

Meagan Aubrey, child of Lisa Aubrey and Mark Aubrey, will attend St Lawrence University to major in environmental science.
Charles Bammert, child of Sara Rumrill and Alfred Bammert, will attend SUNY Cortland to major in physical education/ administration.

Connor Basile, child of Michael and Cherie Basile, will attend Binghamton University to major in computer science and physics.

Jessica Beames, child of Buddy and Chasity Beames, will attend Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute to major in engineering.

Sophia Belden, child of Pete and Jen Belden, will attend Manhattanville University to major in musical theater.

Madeline Burleigh, child of Marla Dygert and Madeline Burleigh, will attend Union College.

Nathan Burrell, child of Jim and Kristine Burrell, will attend Pace University to major in arts and entertainment management.

Daniel Cormie, child of Daniel and Laurel Cormie, will attend Pace University to major in arts management.

Malia Dake, child of Lani and Dennis Dake, plans to attend Hartwick College to study psychology.

Joshua DeLancy, child of Tina and Dixton DeLancy, will major in engineering at the University at Buffalo.

Sienna Donato, child of Stephanie Donato and Brandon Donato, will attend Binghamton University to study psychology.

Katelyn Harrington, child of Pamela and Brian Harrington, will attend SUNY Adirondack with plans to become a registered nurse.

Briana Healy, child of Nicholas and Melanie Healy, will attend SUNY Adirondack to major in microbiology.

Aiman Irfan, child of Irfan Haq and Sameera Jamil, will major in biochemistry at the University of Maryland, College Park.

Rachel Jorgensen, child of Stephanie and Shawn Jorgensen, will attend Saint Lawrence University and plans to attend medical school in the future.

Elena Kennedy, child of Karen and Edward Kennedy, will attend Grove City College to study mechanical engineering.

Justin Lary, child of Michael Lary and Jennifer Thomas, will attend SUNY Cortland to major in elementary education and play lacrosse.

Ashley Li, child of Sheng Li and Huixing Jiang, will be a double major in neuroscience and psychology at Stony Brook University.

Amanda Matrazzo, child of Maria Steele and Christopher Matrazzo, will attend SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry to major in conservation biology, will work for the Adirondack Mountain Club as a summit steward.

Veronica Maynard, child of Barbara and Robert Maynard, will attend Clarkson University with a double major in biomolecular science and chemistry, beginning with a five-week summer research program in early July.

Lily McNulty, child of Ryan and Susan McNulty, will study neuroscience at Brandeis University.

Jillian Nichols, child of Donna Nichols and Jacquelyn Parten, will attend Skidmore College.

Rori Novack, child of Amy and Pete Novack, will attend SUNY Polytechnic Institute to major in nursing.

Haley Pagan, child of Heidi and Marcos Pagan, will attend Stony Brook University to major in health science.

Rosalyn Sanabria, child of Tammy Thew and Ezequias Sanabria, will attend Hobart and William Smith Colleges to major in political science in a pre-law track.

Isabella Sefcik, child of Jaime and Paul Sefcik, will study biochemistry and run track & field at Binghamton University.

Camilla Short, child of Karen and Jonathan Short, will attend Saint Francis University for a bachelors in Zoo and Aquarium Science.

Cody Touse, child of Brian and Lisa Touse, will major in biology at Binghamton University.

Nora Trimarchi, child of Michelle Trimarchi and Robert Trimarchi, will attend SUNY Oneonta to major in elementary education.

Nathaniel VanTassell, child of Dawn and Jody VanTassell, will attend Western New England University, to major in psychology.

Lynn Yang, child of Jing Jing Dong and Rong Yao Yang, will attend Johns Hopkins University.

Raven Zimmerman, child of Ronald Zimmerman and Rachel Kusnierz Zimmerman will attend the University of Rhode Island to study neuroscience and pharmacology.

Also graduating Summa Cum Laude: Kyle LeClair, Claira Repsis.

Copyright © 2024 Lone Oak Publishing Co., Inc. All Rights Reserved

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