Saturday, July 27, 2024

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Frosts report from Israel, Jordan

By Mark Frost, Chronicle Editor

The Frost family is in the midst of a two-week trip to Israel and Jordan, our first venture into the Middle East.

When our world-traveling 21-year-old son Max first proposed this adventure last fall, I’ll admit to total reluctance that was shared by my wife Sandy. I especially couldn’t see myself, as a Jew, going to Jordan and Palestinian territory.

But bit by bit, as …

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Omar Usmani’s conflict of interest

By Mark Frost, Chronicle Editor

Omar Usmani is executive partner of Aeon Nexus, a business that owns the former Russell & Wait building in downtown Glens Falls. Now they’re in Albany, too.

Mr. Usmani also serves on the executive committee of the Capital Region Economic Development Council’s Executive Committee. He was appointed by the Governor.

The Capital Region Economic Development Council is the entity that decided which local applicants to …

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Hudson Headwaters slew of moves

By Gordon Woodworth, Chronicle News Editor

Hudson Headwaters Health Network is dramatically expanding as 2015 draws to a close. Its new initiatives include:

  • Opening a new 28,000 sq. ft. primary care building west of Northway Exit 18 as of Dec. 7.
  • Buying the 90 South Street building across from Glens Falls Hospital.
  • Absorbing the Glens Falls Obstetrics and Gynecology practice of Dr. Doug Provost.
  • Adding allergist/immunologist Dr. Michael Slaughter.
  • Making

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Put Taylor Swift on the $100!

By Mark Frost, Chronicle Editor

The Obama administration intends to put a woman’s face on the front of the $10 bill, but I say they’re thinking too meekly and 10 times too cheaply.

Nor should they limit the currency candidates to women who have passed into history.

Americans love the new, not the old — and this is the chance to get young people especially to look at money in …

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Tales of a Sierra Leone survivor

By Cathy DeDe, Chronicle Managing Editor

Joseph Kaifala is a survivor, a gentle-voiced young man who grew up in Sierra Leone in east Africa amid what he calls the “madness” of a 10-year civil war, from the early 1990s to 2002.

It saw boys his age — some as young as six or seven years old — conscripted as child soldiers who became simultaneously perpetrators and victims of unspeakable violence, …

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