Thursday, March 6, 2025

Warren County hesitates on sales tax hike; Taflan: ‘Only makes sense if other counties do it, too’

By Cathy DeDe, Chronicle Managing Editor

Warren County Administrator John Taflan told The Chronicle the County still plans to hold public sessions to discuss a possible increase of the County sales tax from 7% to 8%. Dates are not yet set.

But Mr. Taflan added, “Where we are is, we believe it will only make sense to do if some of the other counties intend to move too. So, Washington County is undecided at this point, and I think that we’re a little bit undecided.”

As for the opposition expressed by some members of the public, Mr. Taflan said, “I think there were some good points made at the meeting (in August), but no, we’re not gonna just go by people who spoke against the sales tax increase. Some of their facts were incorrect.”

Mr. Taflan said he’s working on an amended public presentation, which adjusts some numbers such as median household income in the County.

He continued to cite “significantly” rising costs and unfunded state mandates, even as county departments strive to cut their budgets by 5%, as directed by Supervisor Frank Thomas of Stony Creek, the Finance Officer.

Copyright © 2024 Lone Oak Publishing Co., Inc. All Rights Reserved

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