Thursday, March 6, 2025

Stec praises Stefanik; says too soon to talk of running to succeed her

By Mark Frost, Chronicle Editor

The Chronicle spoke Tuesday with State Senator Dan Stec in the wake of Rep. Elise Stefanik’s being chosen by President-elect Trump as the next U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations.

“Absolutely thrilled for Elise, but more importantly, thrilled for the country,” Sen. Stec said. “Having worked with her and known her personally and professionally this last 10-plus years, she’s one of the smartest, hardest working, laser focused people I’ve ever worked with.

“She’s going to do a great job. She deserves it. But more importantly, I think the country is going to be well served by her.

“And I think this is a huge feather in the cap of the North Country. Hey, you know, it’s our Congresswoman that was selected for this very big diplomatic job.

“I just, I’m excited for her. I think that she’s going to do an awesome job.”

Sen. Stec is widely seen as possible successor to the Congresswoman.

He acknowledged, “Dozens of reporters have called me or texted me in the last 48 hours, and more importantly, a lot of constituents have called me or emailed me and encouraged me to think about this and asked me, ‘Are you doing this?’

“The bottom line is that, hey, you know, Elise and I were both re-elected one week ago to our current jobs. And she’s got work to do both as our Congresswoman, as the conference chair.

“They’re still counting votes on the west coast in those congressional districts. We’re looking at potentially a special session in Albany between now and the end of the year, you know.

“So the bottom line is that I think it’s premature to make any announcements, or, you know, to start jockeying for position, or whatever.

“I am going to continue to work hard, and when January comes, assuming that things move the way that they look they will — but, you know, I’m a Yogi Berra fan, it’s not over till it’s over and I think Elise is the same way.

“She’s got to get through this. Got to know what the House Majority looks like. Needs to get confirmed, and if and when all that happens, then it’ll be time to make announcements and decisions.

“I mean, I’m flattered that so many people have thought to me first.

“I think a lot of people know my entire Senate District rests inside the congressional district. Tuesday night, I just got 101,000 votes in that district.

“I’ve worked hard to represent people, so I’m happy to examine this and cross that bridge when I get to it in January, but for now, I just want to congratulate our Congresswoman, assist her in any way I can in her transition, and focus on the job at hand in Albany.

“And if there’s a vacancy in January, then I guess I’ll be needing to talk to some people, and think about what I want to do and what I think the right thing to do is, for this part of the state.”

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