Thursday, March 6, 2025

Glen St. tenants get eviction notice; Patten project site

391 Glen St. resident Denise Baldwin told The Chronicle she received a notice to vacate on Aug. 27 from her landlord, One Washington Street Development, LLC. The Chronicle obtained a picture of the notice to verify Ms. Baldwin’s report. It orders Ms. Baldwin to leave the premises by Nov. 30.

*CORRECTION: An earlier version of this story incorrectly referred to the document as an eviction notice, instead of as a notice to vacate. The Chronicle regrets the mistake.*

One Washington Street Development, LLC is owned by attorneys in the Bartlett, Pontiff law firm next door.

391 Glen is one of two residential buildings, the other being 399 Glen, that developer Chris Patten would raze for his 60-apartment Washington Square project. It was set to appear before the Glens Falls Planning Board yesterday before it was tabled.

Ms. Baldwin said her upstairs neighbor and the tenant at 399 Glen St. also received notices.

“Mine was taped to the door, whereas theirs were handed to them,” she said.

Cleveland Robinson, who said he was the sole tenant at 399 Glen Street, told The Chronicle he also received a notice to vacate.

Ms. Baldwin said she’s talked to her fellow neighbors since the order was given about what their potential next steps will be.

“We’re all in the same boat,” she said. “We’ve all looked into apartments, but they’re so expensive.”

When asked if she was caught off guard by receiving the notice, Ms. Baldwin said “I kind of expected it in a way, but didn’t want it, if that makes any sense.”

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