Sunday, February 16, 2025

Cool loses out on Section 2 Boys Wrestling and Basketball finals this year

By Zander Frost, Chronicle Staff Writer

The Cool Insuring Arena in Glens Falls will not host the final days of the Section II Boys Basketball championships or the entirety of the Section II Boys Wrestling tournaments this winter for the first time in many years.

Arena President Jeff Mead, contacted for comment by The Chronicle, says his understanding is that the entire schedule “was moved a week forward” this year.

“By the time we were notified, and no fault of Section II, it was well after the Thunder Hockey schedule comes out in May,” he said. “We were notified after Labor Day.”

He said, “We tried to move some games,” but “it’s impossible to move three hockey games, especially when a team’s coming in from out of state, flying in.

“We certainly tried our best and worked with Section II, but ultimately we couldn’t move a weekend series against a team from West Virginia” the weekend of the basketball tournament.

“We’re going to end up hosting the basketball” Monday to Thursday, Mr. Mead said. “They’re going to move the finals to Hudson Valley Community College, unfortunately.”

It’s another tough loss for local basketball events — last year NYPHSAA (New York Public High School Athletics Association) voted to move the State Boys Basketball championships from Glens Falls to Binghamton for 2025 to 2027.

Contacted by text, NYPHSAA Executive Director Dr. Robert Zayas told The Chronicle, “We have no jurisdiction over sectional site locations. Those decisions are made at the local level.”

“Sectional schedules are also the prerogative of the individual sections,” he added.

The wrestling sectionals are set for February 15, when the Thunder will be hosting a team from Canada. All of the   wrestling event will take place elsewhere.

Mr. Mead said they offered “a Sunday day for wrestling, but I think they were certainly worried about a snow day, not being able to host it on Sunday.”

Moving forward, Mr. Mead said the arena has secured the schedule for the next two years, and will host the entirety of the Section II Boys Basketball and Boy Wrestling championships.

They’ve hosted the events for a long time — “it predates my tenure, which is 10 years,” Mr. Mead said.

“It’s disappointing, especially the basketball, it’s certainly a great week, especially when a local team plays.

“Last year, Glens Falls being so good,  the weekend — I think we had 4,000 or 5,000 fans just for the Glens Falls game,” plus North Warren’s games were well attended too.

“It’s disappointing to lose a great weekend of basketball, a great day of local wrestling. Unfortunately it’s kind of out of our control… but we’re excited to host the four days that we can, and looking forward to having it back in our building next year.”

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