Sunday, February 16, 2025

Former restaurateur: ‘I beat drug, alcohol addiction; you can too’

Hello Mark

This is Bill B. I used to have a restaurant on Ridge Street 1997-2009.

I’m celebrating 34 years of sobriety from alcohol February 17th. AA and the people in the program helped me and continue to help me maintain my sobriety and I am forever grateful.

It hasn’t always been easy, but 1 day at a time I continue to live alcohol free. There is hope and help if you want it.

It is an equally or even more important date in that I have achieved 4 and 1/2 years free of opioids and other medications.

After an injury at work and subsequent multiple back surgeries I was totally addicted to prescription painkillers and anxiety medications.

For a decade!! It was a horrible way to live.

Knowing how AA helped save me from alcohol I finally admitted I had a problem. I sought help from another program NA and a new doctor recommended I try methadone while at the same time I received multiple epidural injections and nerve ablations.

I no longer take any medications!! I still have chronic pain in back and legs, but my head is clear and I’m very, very happy with life sober.

To repeat. There is hope and help if you want it. If I can do it anyone can.

One day at a time.

— Bill B.

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